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OraFAQ SQL Oracle Join Multi Table Inserts
Efficient SQL/ Func Call/ P3 Not In vs Not Exists Using WITH Clause/ 12c
Hierarchical/ P2/ P3/ BC Analytical Function SQL/XML(SQLX)/ P2
Scalar Subqueries/ P2/ P3 Rollup & Cube/ P2 Pivot and Unpivot
Table Function & Model Pipelined Table Function Truncate Delete Drop
Inside oracle Sorting Group By & Sorting/ P2 Distinct vs Group By
Efficient Use Count()/ P2 Tuning Rownum/ Order By
            You should do it in a single SQL statement if at all possible.
            If you cannot, do it in a single SQL Statement, then do it in PL/SQL.
            If you cannot, do it in PL/SQL, try a Java Stored Procedure.
            If you cannot, do it in Java, do it in a C external procedure.
            If you cannot, do it in a C external routine,
            you might want to seriously think about why it is you need to do it
            - Tom Kyte
Oracle PL/SQL New in PL/SQL 11g OraFAQ PL/SQL
PL/SQL Syntax & Examples Native Compilation/ P2/ P3 AuthID
PL/SQL Collections/ P2/ P3 Bulk Processing Bulk Update Comparison
FORALL Save Exceptions DML Error Logging PL/SQL Profiler/ P2
Benefit of Packages
Application DBA
Index Organized Table Global Temporary Table ET/ Diff/ Adv Over sqlldr
B*Tree Index Bitmap Index / Compare Function-Based Index
Range Partition List Partition Hash Partition
Local/Global Index Materialized View/ P2 Partitioned MV Refresh
Row Movement Triggers/ P2/ P3 SQL*Loader/ Ctl/ FAQ
SQL Tuning
SQL Tuning Steps Inside Oracle Optimizer OraFAQ Tuning Guide
OraFAQ Tuning FAQ Reading Execution Plan What’s Up DBMS_STATS
Performance with DBlink Partition Pruning Parallel Processing
Data Warehousing
RAC - Linux VirtualBox Douglas Bock's Course Redo, Rollback & Undo
UNIX, Shell Scripting
Shell Scripting Top 10 Unix Tutorials Autosys Job Scheduling