Loadjava Utility
Step 1: Create or Reuse the Java Classes
public class orclJavaTest {
public static String quote() {
return "Wow! Implementing java Stored Procedure in database";
Step 2: Load and Resolve the Java Classes
Please note that in first two cases, I compiled it agianst Java 1.6 and got ORA-29552 error. It compiled successfully when forcefully compiled under 1.5
Step 3: Publish the Java Classes
drop function orclJava;
create or replace function orclJava return varchar2 as language java
name 'orclJavaTest.quote() return java.lang.String';
alter system set java_jit_enabled=false;
select * from all_objects y where upper(y.object_name) like '%ORCL%'
SBI orclJavaTest JAVA CLASS 2012-02-14:11:41:31 VALID SBI ORCLJAVA FUNCTION 2012-02-14:11:42:18 VALID
Step 4: Call the Stored Procedures
SQL> select orclJava() from dual;
Wow! Implementing java Stored Procedure in database